Did you know that you have the power to make wishes come true well beyond your lifetime? Through a planned gift to Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana, you can transform lives today, and into the future.
When Bob and Karen West started thinking about their legacy, they knew they wanted to help give hope, strength, and joy to future generations of children with critical illnesses. Bob is a former Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana Board member who has seen the power of a wish firsthand. The West’s now annually give to Make-A-Wish through an IRA rollover. By using their qualified charitable distribution, they’re able to make a bigger impact on children and families in their community.
Below are a number of ways you can also leave a legacy:

This new year, Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana is proud to offer our supporters a free estate planning tool through FreeWill. At no cost to you, you can update or make your wishes known in just 20 minutes and ensure the work of Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana continue for generations to come.