I wish to have a drum set



kidney disease

Wish kid Jacob

Jacob's wish to have a drum set

Music - a common interest among every person in the world...

...whether they are the creator, or the listener has utilized it to escape from reality, cope with emotions, uplift those around them or dance to while celebrating an extraordinary achievement. Music is something each of us connects to not only by listening to it but feeling it within. With each melody and beat, our bodies vibrate to the rhythm, and with every lyric, our minds connect to a memory that shapes our emotions – making us feel alive. Every sound we hear stems from inspiration leading to a passion for music. For wish kid Jacob, that inspiration stemmed from his father. 

Jacob is a talented 4-year-old drummer who inherited his passion for music from his dad, also a musician. The first time Jacob picked up a pair of drumsticks, he instantly fell in love. With the guidance of his father, Jacob quickly picked up the skill, making him a natural musician. Jacob’s gift keeps him dancing in the waves above the water, but there is one rock in his shoe that weighs him down daily – battling kidney disease.  

“When they gave me this diagnosis, it was very hard for us because they told me that my baby was not going to be able to be born, but thankfully, God has strengthened us,” said Jacob’s mom

[Jacob] has come into our lives for a greater purpose.
Jacob's Mom

Although Jacob is young, he is very intelligent. His mom explains that Jacob is aware of his situation and begs her not to take him to get his blood drawn. Throughout his battle, Jacob has endured countless hospital visits, but despite the pain, there is one thing that strengthens him each day – playing music. When Jacob is playing the drums, he feels at home with not a single worry in the world. That is where he found his comfort.  

When Jacob discovered he was eligible for a wish from Make-A-Wish, the darks clouds of stress and despair parted, making way for sunshine which beamed rays of positive vibes. Jacob’s skills continued to progress, so when asked what his most heartfelt wish would be, it was no surprise that he wished to have a drum set.  

In June of 2020, his wish came true! During the celebration, our Make-A-Wish team took every precaution to keep the health and safety of the wish family, supporters and staff a top priority by limiting the capacity, remaining six feet apart and wearing masks. 

At the celebration, Jacob performed with the church choir in front of close friends, family and Make-A-Wish staff. Jacob was the star in the room who had everyone’s undivided attention. With every beat Jacob played, energy dispersed into the air sending waves of pure joy and happiness throughout the audience. As his performance came to an end, the audience erupted with cheers and prolonged applause. The tears welled up in everyone’s eyes as Jacob’s performance was nothing short of immaculate. As Jacob embraced the moment on stage, he emitted a sound of laughter through his award-winning smile. 

“Jacob has been one of the biggest blessings that God has ever given me. He has come into our lives for a greater purpose,” says Jacob’s Mom.  

Jacob’s parents wanted the world to see how talented he is, and that is exactly what they received. After Jacob’s story was shared on Acceso Total – a nationally syndicated television show, Telemundo network discovered the story and instantly fell in love, wanting to share it with their viewers on their network news. Jacob’s story has since swept the country and he is being idolized as a Rockstar.