Adopt a Child's Wish Today
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This program allows you or your company, school or community group to adopt the wish of a child from our local chapter. Your donation of $10,000 can be in the form of a single contribution or through a variety of ongoing fundraising efforts.
Contact us to adopt a child's wish!
Parents, medical professionals and volunteers believe that wish children receive much more than hope, strength and joy from a wish experience.
- Parents and volunteers observe that a wish come true makes kids feel stronger and more energetic.
- Parents and medical professionals describe the wish as a positive turning point in the child’s battle for health.
- Through their wish, children feel less isolated and more empowered to take back control of their lives.
- Parents say their family units – often strained by the stress of the illness – are repaired and strengthened.
- Feelings of hope and optimism replace fear and stress.
Upon adopting a local child’s wish, we will present you with a recognition plaque commemorating the child’s wish that you have adopted. These recognition pieces include your adopted wish child’s picture, their wish story and a certification for your generous support!
In Addition:
- Optional recognition on our social media page
- Optional presentation of plaque by our chapter staff at your company meeting, event, or location of choice
Please note: Because of many reasons including the timing of the wish process and uncertainty of a child’s availability and medical condition, you will be adopting a recently granted wish. The funds donated or raised by your actual event will go to the Make-A-Wish general fund in support of future wishes.
For more information, contact us: | (714) 573.9474