Staff Spotlight: Illeana Flores
Name: Ileana Hernandez Flores
Job title: Senior Medical Coordinator
Years at Make-A-Wish: 5 years and 7 months
Work anniversary date: May 24, 2016
What’s a typical day look like for you? This varies from day to day and depending on what needs to be done, I prioritize and write down my to-do list for the day! I just love the feeling of crossing an item off my to-do list when it has been completed!
My day can start with processing referral inquiries in IME, completing imports from IME to RE, requesting and processing Wish Clearances once a wish child has determined their wish, following up with our wish child’s healthcare team on so many different things (eligibility, family’s contact information, wish approvals, confirmation of health), answer emails/calls from wish families/healthcare teams requesting updates on wishes, be in constant communication with our Wish Relationship/Logistics Managers, follow up on our medical holds and elective holds for our Spanish speaking families OR literally drop everything if we get a rush wish!
Favorite part of your job: Knowing that what I do every day behind the scenes brings our wish kids closer to getting their wish granted and of course, our amazing team!
A memorable wish experience: I helped grant a wish for a bedroom redo for a little boy, Jhovanny. I just remember his face lighting up when he came home from school and realized he now had a Jurassic Park themed bedroom! He immediately climbed the little stairs to hop on the bed, came down to check out his desk, dinosaur books and the new toys we had gotten for him. He just could not stop smiling! His mom would reach out every few weeks after we had granted his wish and kept saying that he did not want to leave his bedroom, he absolutely loved it and was just so happy when he was there! It was so inspiring to see how the community came together to help us get his room just perfect for him and the impact this wish had on Jhovanny.
Hobbies: I love to cook, bake, and spend time with my family and friends. During the Holidays, I love to watch Hallmark/Lifetime Movies while sipping coffee or hot cocoa!
Goal for 2022: Give myself and others more grace.
Something people might not know about you: I have lived through a Civil War and have survived 3 major earthquakes.