Staff Spotlight: Gaby Diaz
Job title: Senior Accountant
Years at Make-A-Wish: 9 months
Work anniversary date: 05/16/2022
What’s a typical day look like for you? I don’t have a typical day because things vary by day or week of the month. A typical week usually involves reviewing/submitting check requests and other AP/payments, working on wish cards (ordering new ones, loading cards with funds/wish dates, closing cards and generating expense reports), processing payroll, and depending on the time of the month – working with SFS on a different number of reports.
Favorite part of your job: Hearing all the wish stories from the team. Being in a role that doesn’t directly interact with the wish families, hearing all the wish stories brings all the moving parts together and I get to see the impact that all the moving parts have on the end result of granting wishes.
A memorable wish experience: Although I haven’t volunteered on any wish yet, I do enjoy hearing about all the wishes during our weekly huddle mission moments. One that stood out to me recently was the Christmas lights wish for Joshua through the Blingle partnership. It was such an original wish that the whole family enjoyed, and also their neighbors! I have started the process with Caitlin and Anna to volunteer and hope to have more personal wish experiences in the near future!
Hobbies: When I am not spending time with family, friends or my two dogs, I enjoy working on all sorts of arts and crafts. I recently rediscovered my Cricut and have enjoyed working on it to make gifts for friends/family. I also enjoy learning new knitting patterns and I am currently trying to learn how to crochet.
Something people might not know about you: Something that most people don’t know about me is that I went to law school for a year. Before deciding that I wanted to dedicate myself to accounting, I gave law school a try. I worked a full-time job and went to law school part-time and ended up burning myself out due to the rigorous time commitment that law school requires. I decided after one year that I did not want to live the next 3 years the same way and decided to start my career in accounting.