Neriah's Perfect Playset Wish
Neriah Madewell can be found playing with dolls, obsessing over unicorns, running around with her two Goldendoodles and trying on new makeup. She is sassy, witty, extremely extroverted and constantly laughing. Her mom describes her as “unique and always putting others first.”
At only three weeks old, Neriah’s parents noticed she was having trouble breathing. After a trip to the doctor and many tests later, Neriah was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
“You think that you have this baby who is going to be perfectly fine, and then you are shocked. We go to breathing treatment every month,” Linda, Neriah’s mom, said.
After years of treatment, Linda found Make-A-Wish through social media. With difficult treatments and little for Neriah to look forward to, Linda referred her daughter for a wish. After learning about Make-A-Wish, Neriah persevered and dreamed about the day her wish would come true. More than anything, she wanted a playset in her backyard. And soon enough, her wish was coming true!
She received an incredible playset complete with swings, a slide and monkey bars. Neriah had always wanted her own playset because she loves being outside and loves playing on the monkey bars at school. Now, all she has to do was go into her backyard!
“I decided to tell Neriah her wish was granted in private to make it more personal. When I told her, she was ecstatic,” Linda said.
Neriah loves playing on the playset with her two brothers and two dogs. If she is not at school or at treatment, she is on the playset – rain or shine.
The playset is not only fun, but it also helps Neriah get through her treatments at home. She wears a vest that helps open her airways so she can breathe easier, and the different ways to climb, jump and play games help clear her lungs. The playset provides a welcome distraction and alternative to otherwise extremely difficult treatment.
“She is over the moon in love with her ‘super playground.’ We are so grateful to Make-A-Wish,” Linda shared.
Thanks for helping grant wishes like Neriah's!