Southern Arizona Wishmakers team up to help grant wishes
Dominic Escamilla and Ben Fernandez are dedicated to granting wishes in their communities as part of the Southern Arizona Wishmakers Council.
Dominic Escamilla and Ben Fernandez are dedicated to granting wishes in their communities as part of the Southern Arizona Wishmakers Council.
As council members, they work hard to secure sponsorships and auction items for Make-A-Wish events, introduce the organization to new donors and supporters, and help grant wishes for Southern Arizona kids.
“I think everyone should try to use the talents and interests they have to give back,” said Dominic, a gourmet chef who has previously raised funds by hosting Delicious Wishes @ Home events and raffling off paintings for Make-A-Wish Arizona.
“For me it’s food and art, but there are so many ways to get involved. You can start by asking yourself ‘what am I good at?’”
It was that question that led Dominic to teaming up with Ben, a wish dad and volunteer wish granter, to host a Love & Wishes Valentine’s Dinner for the past two years.
“It’s basically a home dinner party that’s a great alternative to going out to dinner for Valentine’s Day,” said Dominic. “We serve a four-course fine dining meal and the money you spend on your dinner goes back to Make-A-Wish Arizona.”
I love how Make-A-Wish brings out a goodness in people. There’s enough that divides us but Make-A-Wish Arizona gives me hope in humanity.
Dominic Escamilla

Together, they have grown the event from raising $1,200 its first year to more than $5,000 this year, with a goal to double that amount in 2024.
“Our goal is to raise $10,000 next year to be able to grant a child’s wish,” Dominic said. “We also use these events to build awareness by sharing wish stories from wish kids and families with attendees and sponsors.”
This sense of community is important to Dominic, who still remembers hearing Chris’ story (the Arizona boy who inspired Make-A-Wish) on the news when he was 10 years old.
“To know that the organization has grown so much over my lifetime and started right here in Arizona is incredible,” he said. “My wife has volunteered as a wish granter and I had the chance to be part of an airport sendoff a few years ago. It means a lot to know the effort you put in affects people in your own community.”
Dominic also wants to thank everyone in the community who has contributed to events like these because it truly takes a team effort.
“For this year’s Love & Wishes, several Chi Omega members from the University of Arizona volunteered as servers and our friend Manny Gonzalez was a huge help in coordinating the event,” he continued. “I love how Make-A-Wish brings out a goodness in people. There’s enough that divides us but Make-A-Wish Arizona gives me hope in humanity.”