Iva volunteer spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Iva Gorman

Making the Most of Every Moment

Wish granter Iva Gorman knows what it’s like to feel stuck inside the four walls of a hospital room. She was born with cystic fibrosis and has been through many treatments and appointments over the years. When Iva was eight, her wish for a princess bedroom re-do was granted by Make-A-Wish. Her older sister was also born with cystic fibrosis, and her wish to go to Disney World was granted when she was 10. These wishes brought both Iva and her sister hope throughout difficult medical journeys, and even back then, Iva knew that she wanted to become a wish granter when she grew up. Wish granters meet with wish kids to help them determine their wish. These volunteers get to know the kids and help them think about what wish would bring them the most joy, and they play a crucial role in the wish-granting process.

“Helping children that only know hospitals, doctors, and the fact that their life isn’t ‘normal’ makes it truly fulfilling to see them enjoy their moment and be treated like royalty. You won’t find that warm fuzzy feeling with any other organization, you just can’t,” she shared.

Iva lives in Grand Prairie with her two dogs and works as a supply chain specialist at Boeing. When she first started her career several years ago, she wasn’t sure how she would be able to balance work, life and volunteering. After discovering that Make-A-Wish offers volunteer opportunities to fit any schedule and commitment level, she signed up! She was excited to give back to an organization that meant so much to her and her sister.

Iva has been granting wishes for about a year and a half. She has helped 18 families begin and navigate their wish journeys. She loves meeting new wish kids and talking to them about all of their wish ideas.

“I love every type of wish, and the experiences are so different! My favorite would have to be shopping sprees since you get to spend a significant chunk of time getting to know the wish child and their family. It is always interesting to see what they pick out and I enjoy their reactions when stores can provide special experiences for them!” she expressed.

Iva’s favorite thing about being a wish granter is seeing the child’s face the moment they realize their wish is coming true – their expression is usually a combination of joy, happiness and excitement. She has seen firsthand how these powerful moments can deeply impact wish kids and their families who have walked closely alongside them in their medical journeys.

“I know how much of an impact the good moments make. Seeing the parents feel alleviated, even for just a moment, makes a huge difference in coping with the hard times for them as well,” she said.

Make-A-Wish made a powerful difference in Iva’s life and brought her hope for a brighter future, and now, she’s able to help other wish kids discover that same hope as a wish granter. We’re grateful for Iva and her commitment to our wish kids and their families! Ready to join the Make-A-Wish family? Sign up here.