Staff Spotlight: Emily O'Brien
Name: Emily O’Brien
Job title: Development Officer – External Events
Years at Make-A-Wish: 4.5
Work anniversary date: February 7
What’s a typical day look like for you? A typical day for me can look different depending on what part of the event season we’re in. In the height of events, my days are filled with supporting our amazing community and third-party fundraisers as they plan and execute their events, and I help to incorporate the Make-A-Wish mission into these events. Post-event season is my favorite though, as those days are filled with thanking our event hosts, whether that’s writing thank you notes, dropping in with a sweet treat, or coordinating a mission-centered touchpoint with one of our wish families. Right now, as we’re ramping up for the fall, I’m working on connecting with schools in our area to gear up for the next school year and build up our Kids For Wish Kids partnerships. No matter what my day looks like, I am beyond blessed to be part of the best team I could possibly work with.
Favorite part of your job: Working with community and school fundraising! These individuals are deeply inspired by our mission and desire to make an impact for our wish kids.
A memorable wish experience: One of my recent favorites was one that I got to help connect with one of our partners. They were having a grand opening and wanted to have a Make-A-Wish moment. Our Mission Integration team found an amazing wish child to attend who needed to have her wish revealed to her. They pulled out all the stops for her! They had a special trailer for her, made her a countdown calendar that was themed to her favorite show, and treated her like royalty!
Hobbies: When I’m not spending time with my husband and our sweet pup, Howdy, I love to spend time in the kitchen. I’m currently working on perfecting my alfredo sauce! I’m also a big fan of being outdoors when temps are below 80, beating my hubby at Connect4, and tearing it up on any dance floor!
Something people might not know about you: I have Make-A-Wish North Texas to thank for bringing my very best friend into my life! She and I hit it off from my first day on the job and quickly developed the sweetest and silliest friendship. Four years later, she stood by my side last November as one of my maids of honor! Thank you Make-A-Wish!