Make-A-Wish Idaho to hold 19th Great Polar Bear Challenge 

Boise, ID: Make-A-Wish Idaho will host its 19th annual Great Polar Bear Challenge fundraiser on January 1, 2022 at Lucky Peak Reservoir at 11 a.m. Registration begins at 10 a.m. The event will be held in person but will follow all state and local pandemic-related guidelines at that time.

During the Great Polar Bear Challenge hundreds of Idahoans will brave the chilly, January weather and subject themselves to the freezing reservoir waters to raise money to grant wishes to local children with critical illnesses. Larry Gebert of KTVB will emcee for the 19th year in a row.

The Great Polar Bear Challenge is expected to have a turnout of about 250 participants. Hot coffee and fresh donuts will be available on site, and the top fundraiser will receive a Great Polar Bear Challenge-branded robe.

All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to grant wishes to Idaho children with critical illnesses. Right now, there are over 145 Idaho kids still waiting on their wishes. The pandemic has slowed some aspects of wish granting but Make-A-Wish Idaho has granted 76 wishes during their last fiscal year and continues to grant wishes safely and efficiently.