Make-A-Wish® Idaho Grants Goldendoodle Puppy Wish 

Boise, ID: Make-A-Wish Idaho granted eighteen-year-old Kyra’s wish for a mini goldendoodle puppy on October 16, 2021. Kyra, who lives in Meridian, was referred to Make-A-Wish Idaho in March of 2021 on a leukemia diagnosis, and she chose a puppy wish shortly after her referral. The puppy came from Magic Valley Goldendoodles. Kyra named him Baylen.

Kyra said she was most excited about “getting to make a connection with him [Baylen] and having a best friend with me.”

The granting of the wish coincides with the anniversary of Kyra’s diagnosis on October 17, 2020. The typical treatment time for childhood leukemia is two to three years. Kyra, an excellent student, was on track to graduate high school early until her life was disrupted by her illness. Although she is still in the middle of her treatment, Kyra’s overall outlook is bright.

Kyra is just one of over 145 wish kids who are waiting or scheduled for a wish. Some wishes have been paused due to the coronavirus pandemic but Make-A-Wish Idaho granted 76 wishes during its last fiscal year by focusing on the wishes that could be granted safely.