
Best Wishes Spring/Summer 2021: CEO's Message

Finding our new groove

In March we held our first-ever virtual gala. Of course, we would have preferred to gather with everyone in person live at the Ritz. Instead, it was just three of us speaking to cameras under the bright lights. But what’s true of the stage is true of wish granting—no matter what happens, the show must go on.

The new format did give us the opportunity to showcase three musical wishes in a special way. Not only was our audience able to witness these wish kids’ creative drive and hear their incredible performances—we were also able to showcase the amazing behind-the-scenes work that went into granting these wishes under challenging circumstances. The sheer number of people willing to jump in and do what is needed to help our wish kids strikes a deep chord with me and our entire Greater Bay Area team.

Our gala theme, Hope & Harmony, reflected not only the musical nature of our wish stories, but also the harmony that we found in working together to bring hope, strength, and joy to wish families in the middle of a pandemic. Where our wish planning was once a well-rehearsed symphony, it has sometimes now become more like improvisational jazz!

I’m so proud of our wish planners for stepping up to try new things and push past obstacles. The Concord Pavilion is closed for the season due to COVID-19? We got them to open for a one-day-only performance and had volunteers bring in all our AV equipment. Sofia wants to be a pop star and record a song in a studio? We had virtual sessions with a singer-songwriter and a cadre of other professionals and brought a mobile studio to her own driveway so she could safely record inside.

Each and every wish we’ve granted the past year has been a unique and beautiful composition. I can’t offer enough gratitude to our donors, partners, volunteers, staff, and wish families for remaining in harmony on one simple but powerful driving beat—to make each wish experience the best it can possibly be for every child.

We’re not quite at the finale of our pandemic performance, but we’re getting a lot closer. We anticipate a crescendo of wishes in the years ahead, but I’m confident that—with your support and our newfound improvisational skills—no child with a critical illness will be kept waiting a day longer than necessary. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to find out what’s next on the playlist. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be my new favorite wish story!

With gratitude,

Betsy Biern
CEO, Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area

p.s. If you missed our gala, you can watch highlights here.