Kristen Meliska has referred more than 55 children for a wish.

Pediatric nurse dedicated to caring for patients physically & emotionally

Kristen Meliska, nurse program coordinator at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, understands what it means to care for the whole patient.

“I went to nursing school at Marquette University and part of their mission statement is ‘cura personalis’ which means ‘to care for the whole person’ in Latin,” said Kristen, who specifically works with kids who have a tracheostomy tube or a neuromuscular disease.

From the very beginning, I have been taught that nursing isn’t just about giving medication and performing tasks.
Kristen Meliska

"My career is to care for patients physically, mentally, AND emotionally. This is where a referral to Make-A-Wish fits in perfectly," said Kristen. To date, Kristen has referred more than 55 children for a wish and she believes it provides something positive to look forward to for kids and for their family as well.

JeMarkus wished to have a therapy bike to be able to do his exercise from home.
Johan wished to have an adaptive bike. Look how happy he is!
JeMarkus (left) wished to have a therapy bike to be able to do his exercises from home. Johan (right) wished to have an adaptive bike and was full of excitement!

“The biggest challenges these families face is adapting their current life to including a child with special healthcare needs. Some patients are born with complicated medical needs, others are diagnosed as they age or their life changes in blink of an eye,” she said. “In any scenario, you have a child you love and now have to learn a whole new way of caring for them.”

I refer kids for a wish because they've been through so much from a medical perspective. I want to see them have an experience that brings them and their family nothing but happiness.

“These kids the most amazing personalities and to see and hear about a wish that makes them happy or makes their lives easier brings me joy.”

In addition to the impact a wish can have after it’s granted, Kristen has also observed how the planning stages of every wish experience is unique to each child and their needs.

“Planning these wishes can be difficult but Make-A-Wish has given these patients so much assistance and support,” she said. “I can tell families are eternally grateful for the work that you do as an organization.”