April 29, 2021 is World Wish Day, the 41st Anniversary of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This year also marks the 35th anniversary of Make-A-Wish Idaho. During the last three and a half decades, Make-A-Wish Idaho has granted nearly 1,700 wishes to local children with critical illnesses.

Now more than ever, Make-A-Wish Idaho remains committed to creating hope for wish kids and their families, despite the unprecedented number of wishes that are waiting.  Make-A-Wish Idaho has been granting heartfelt wishes quickly and safely at a steady pace throughout the pandemic with a focus on “to have” and “to be” wishes.

As the countdown to World Wish Day begins, Make-A-Wish is launching a bold, fundraising-focused campaign titled, “Don’t Wait for Hope. Create it.” Make-A-Wish Idaho hopes that this new campaign will increase donations that will help fund post-pandemic travel wishes.    

The inspiration for "Don't Wait for Hope. Create it." stems from the fact that wish families have been some of the hardest hit by the pandemic. Feelings of fear and isolation have become commonplace for everyone, but they are often felt deepest by the most vulnerable members of the population, including children with critical illnesses. Now more than ever, wishes can bring hope, joy and a sense of normalcy back into the lives of wish kids and their families. "Don't Wait for Hope. Create it." empowers individuals and corporations to donate to make life-changing wishes possible for children who are waiting for their wishes to come true.

The attached public service announcement revolves around a message of creating hope for children with critical illnesses, their families, and their communities.