I wish to go on a shopping spree



blood disorder

Naja models her shopping spree wardrobe

Lights, Camera, Action!!


Naja dreams of being in the spotlight and of a future in modeling.

All things haute couture fascinates this fifteen-year-old, who has had a fierce battle with a blood disorder that required a two-year hospital stay and three bone marrow transplants.

During her long stint in the hospital, Naja’s favorite pastime was flipping through Vogue and imagining herself on its pages. When presented with the opportunity to make a heartfelt wish, she toyed with the possibilities of being on the cover of Vogue or of designing an outfit with a famous fashion designer. In her words, “I want to start a modeling career as a print model. It’s most important to be unique – me, not the clothes. I want lots of cameras, lots of clothes to choose from, hair and make-up.”

When COVID made those initial wishes unattainable in the short term, it was not surprising that Naja’s heart led her to the mall, where she embarked on a shopping spree extravaganza.

Not at all shy for the camera, Naja displayed her diva spunk in spades when modeling all the outfits carefully selected by a personal stylist and awaiting her in her own personal dressing room. Her wish was further enhanced by a surprise fashion shoot with a professional portrait photographer – bringing her dreams to full fruition.

Naja shares that “It was nice to forget all the things I’m going through medically and just live in the moment. My wish made my desire to model come true and helped make me feel beautiful in my own skin – I enjoyed it a lot! I believe that people should stop worrying about what other people think and live happily, because we only live once.”

Known for being strong, positive and affirming, it’s Naja’s conviction and her belief in herself and others that will surely lead her to the catwalk one day.