Other Ways to Support Us

Donate airline miles, support local businesses or establish a charitable giving plan—there are so many ways you can transform lives.
A child with long straight black hair sits in the pilot's seat of an airplane, surrounded by panels of video screens, buttons and levers. The child is looking back over a shoulder at the camera and smiling. The child is wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a black pilot's hat adorned with a red band and golden wings.
Donate Airline Miles

Your donated miles can help a child’s wish take flight.

A child with long straight black hair sits in the pilot's seat of an airplane, surrounded by panels of video screens, buttons and levers. The child is looking back over a shoulder at the camera and smiling. The child is wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a black pilot's hat adorned with a red band and golden wings.
Planned Giving 

Turn your gift into a legacy that grants wishes for generations to come. 

Dressed in gray pajamas covered with multi-colored dinosaurs, a 4-year-old child pretends to be a dinosaur roaring. In the background is a playroom, with a shelf full of toys and dinosaur images on the walls.
Car Donation 

Your tax-deductible charitable vehicle donation helps make wishes come true for Michigan kids.

A child with dark curly hair held in place by a big white bow stands beside a red mailbox  with a star on top that reads "Santa Mail". The child is smiling brightly and wearing a royal blue Make-A-Wish t-shirt over a long-sleeved white shirt. In the child's hands is an enveloped addressed to Santa Claus, The North Pole.
Products and Promotions

Learn how your local purchases and participation in cause-corporate programs can directly support our wish-granting efforts.

Help us make every wish come true







