7-Year-Old Wish Kid from Spring to Receive Superhero inspired Disneyland Send-off

STAFFORD, TX (SEPTEMBER 6, 2024) – Spidey senses, unimaginable strength, and super speed are some of the many hidden talents Giovanni, 7, has acquired over the years.

Becoming a superhero comes easy to this Spring native Wish Kid, who has learned, with encouragement from his doctors, to channel his inner powers to conquer his fears with every procedure he has undergone due to his leukemia. Throughout every hospital visit and treatment journey, there has been one thing Giovanni has been looking forward to the most: seeing the Avengers campus at Disneyland.

Thanks to Wish sponsor Halliburton, Giovanni’s wish will come true, when he receives his Disneyland and send-off on Monday, September 9 at the Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana office located at 12625 Southwest Freeway, Stafford, TX 77477. The wish experience will start promptly at 3 p.m.

“Halliburton is delighted to help make Giovanni’s wish to visit Disneyland come true,” said Lisa Modica, vice president, Global Labor and Employment Law and president of the Halliburton Charitable Foundation. “We are honored to support Make-A-Wish and believe in giving back to our communities, especially to children and their families.”
This past year, Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana granted 601 wishes - the largest amount of wishes the chapter has seen in its 40-year history.

“Our chapter recently celebrated one of the most successful years we have ever seen at Make-A-Wish, but with that achievement, we still have 1,213 kids waiting for their wish to be granted. Giovanni is a prime example of how our Wish Kids use the power of a wish to find the superhero within themselves. We are so excited to grant Giovanni this wish and are so thankful to partners like Halliburton who are helping our Wish Kids use those hidden superpowers to live out their dreams,” said Shelly Millwee, CEO and President of Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana.

Media is invited to attend Giovanni’s Wish Send-off. Media interested in attending can contact Michelle Mason, Director of Marketing & Communications for Make-A-Wish at mmason@texgulf.wish.org, or (713) 562-5594 to RSVP.