I wish to go to Legoland





Brave BuilderĀ 

Brave BuilderĀ 

Oliver loves to create and have adventures. He enjoys building things on Minecraft, out of Legos, and is fascinated with the last two installments of the Zelda series where building is a key mechanic. He likes playing pretend with his big sister and maintains several of the standard little-kid interests: dinosaurs, scooters, cars, trucks, and superheroes.

He was first diagnosed with high-risk leukemia in 2022 which meant that he would be in treatment until fall of 2024. As of this writing, he is still in treatment, however, he is currently in remission which is good news. Oliver hated being sick.

ā€œI have learned the strength of this little boy. He hates taking medicine and feeling sick. He is never happy just lying down in bed for long stretches of time. He wants to be up playing. He wants to be up making people happy. It was very hard on Oliver when he lost his hair. He is such a sweet and tender boy. He is also crazy brave. He has learned to better advocate for himself when he isnā€™t comfortable or hurting,ā€ his dad, Matthew, wrote.

His mom, Esther, wrote, ā€œHe is extremely brave. He had to do something brave almost every day last year. From surgeries, to needle pokes and taking so much yucky medicine. He has endured things that adults would be fearful to. But heā€™s never given up. Even on the hardest days. We are so proud of how strong he is.ā€

For his wish, Oliver chose to go to Legoland, and he picked this wish due to his passion for building. He adores putting together Lego cars. He assembled a Lego James Bond car and built a Lego Ferrari. Heā€™s loved Legos his entire life. When he learned that there was a whole theme park about building with Legos and that he could go to it, he was giddy.

Oliver wouldnā€™t stop talking about his wish when he found out he was getting one. Ā The adventure was originally scheduled for February, but he got sick, and the trip was postponed. He was so bummed. Oliverā€™s wish finally came true a few months later though, a mere century or two in childrenā€™s time.

His favorite part of Legoland was Driving School where kids can drive around in Lego cars on little city streets, and if they do well enough, then they can earn their official Legoland driverā€™s license which Oliver did. He also received a little golden keychain with a golden Legoland guy on it.Ā  Oliver loved that thing so much, that you can see his keychain in the background of many of the photos his family took.Ā Ā 

Oliver also enjoyed Give Kids the World. Having ice cream whenever he wanted was great, but his favorite thing was the pool there. It was hot in Florida, so being able to play in the cool water was a delight for everyone.

ā€œThe wish reminded us of how much of a fighter this kid is. It was nice to have a moment to celebrate Oliver and his battle.Ā  It reminded us that two years ago, he was very sick and that heā€™s come so far from being that kid. Weā€™re reminded that heā€™s in remission, and thatā€™s he just a happy little seven-year-old again,ā€ his dad said.