Abby and Sheldon Kail, Northbrook
Granting Wishes Together
The Agile Award recognizes volunteers who have shown tenacity and selflessness in jumping into wishes requiring timely effort and attention due to the wish complexity or medical urgency.
Abby Kail of Northbrook has been a volunteer wish granter for Make-A-Wish since 2008. When her youngest child was leaving for college, she looked for an organization where she could give back, in addition to teaching school and being a part of the Chicago White Sox Volunteer Corps.
A Golden Apple Award-nominated teacher she teaches English to international and domestic students through online learning every day. This allows her to continue in work she loves with flexibility to spend time with her five grandchildren.
With her husband Sheldon and with other Make-A-Wish volunteers, Abby has granted more than 35 wishes for Illinois children. Their ages have ranged from as young as 3 to as old as 20.
“Every family is unique, but they all share the experience of having a child with a life-threatening illness and any way I can make things better for them is so rewarding,” Abby said. “I think that the way families appreciate what we bring to them is so beautiful. Being there to bring a smile to their faces and touch their hearts is a special gift.”
Abby likes to learn as much as she can about the child and the family when she meets them so she can help make their experience unique.
Inspired by the many families she’s met and their children’s varied and unique wishes, she brought the idea of volunteering to the other teachers at her school hoping to bring more into this wonderful world of volunteering that she enjoys so much.
“I can’t think of one reason I could ever not being a wish granter,” Abby said. “I have met amazing families, volunteers, and Make-A-Wish staff. I had the honor of escorting an amazing young girl as a wish ambassador at the Wish Ball in 2022.”
“Make-A-Wish has more than met my expectations as the best place to volunteer. All my wish granting partners remain friends. We share experiences no one else could ever understand. I even recruited my husband, Sheldon, to become my partner in granting wishes. This is one of the things we enjoy doing the most together. We are both very grateful for this opportunity.”
I use my creativity and imagination to make the wish come to life.
Abby Kail
Wish Volunteer