Wish Kid Jeffrey

Jeffrey Makes Music

Meet wish kid Jeffrey: A 7-year-old energetic, lively boy from Charlotte who's all about living life to the fullest. When he’s not serving up a fierce shot on the tennis court, you can find Jeffrey digging into dumplings and noodles at his favorite local Chinese buffet. Despite facing a congenital heart disease, Jeffrey possesses a unique zest for life, and he doesn’t let his condition hold his creativity back!

Coloring books are Jeffrey's favorite canvas, where he especially loves to draw rainbows. He's got a knack for creating vibrant, imaginative worlds on paper, and his creative spirit knows no bounds.

A musician at heart, Jeffrey knew what he wanted for his wish right away: He wished for a guitar! Aside from love, Jeffrey’s house is now filled with musical notes, and he now has another avenue to express his creativity.

Despite the medical challenges he faces, Jeffrey's unbreakable spirit shines brightly. Jeffrey serves as a reminder that no matter the obstacles, there's always room for laughter, creativity, the love of Chinese buffets, the magic of rainbows, the sweetness of fruit, and the joy of building with blocks.

Wishes need you. Learn more about how YOU can help grant the wishes of local wish kids at nc.wish.org or donate now.

“Jeffrey has an unbreakable spirit that shines brightly!”
Caroline, Wish Specialist

Wish Kid Jeffrey