Volunteer Spotlight: Maddy H.

What ways are you involved as a volunteer?
I am a wish granter.
How did you first find Make-A-Wish?
My friend was thinking about becoming a volunteer and asked if I wanted to join her. I had heard of Make-A-Wish prior to that but didn’t know there were volunteer opportunities. I am so glad she asked me to join!
How long have you been volunteering with Make-A-Wish Minnesota?
I have been volunteering since August 2021.
What has been the most rewarding experience of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
The most rewarding experience has been seeing the impact of what a little joy can do for a wish child and their family. These kids and their families have been dealt a tough hand and I love playing a small part in brightening their day.
What advice would you give to new volunteers?
I’m still a relatively new volunteer, but my advice would be to put yourself in the shoes of the wish kid and family you are serving. Ask yourself how you would like to be supported during a tough time and how you can show your support in both big and small ways. Never underestimate the impact of simply showing up. Remind yourself of your “why” behind volunteering for Make-A-Wish.
What story would you share to inspire others to become a volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
I encourage everyone to volunteer with Make-A-Wish! It is such a fun way to give back. One story I’ll share is from my first wish experience. The child wished for an ice fishing house. At the wish reveal he had many additional gifts that were generously donated by members of the community. We arranged those gifts outside the ice fishing house, and it took him about five minutes to realize his ice fishing house was there because he was so preoccupied with the other presents! It doesn’t matter the size of the gift or the act, simply being present and showing you care means the world to these kids and their families.