Volunteer Spotlight: Heather K.

What ways are you involved as a volunteer?
I am a wish granter.
How did you first find Make-A-Wish?
I grew up knowing about Make-A-Wish because my cousin received a wish when he was young. I have followed Make-A-Wish ever since!
How long have you been volunteering with Make-A-Wish Minnesota?
I have been volunteering for almost a year.
What has been the most rewarding aspect of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
There have been many moments throughout my time volunteering that I cherish. One of my favorite things is volunteering with my best friend. We sign up to be wish granters for the same wish kids and to work together at Make-A-Wish events. It has been really cool to experience these opportunities together and grow our friendship even further.
What advice would you give to new volunteers?
Dive in and get as involved as you are able to and ask questions! I have signed up for not only granting wishes but other fundraisers and events volunteer opportunities which turn out being a lot of fun! Being a wish granter might seem overwhelming at first, but know that the Make-A-Wish team is there to support you in any way possible. The Make-A-Wish team is SO nice and willing to answer any questions you may have. Lean on them for guidance and communicate your fun ideas with them.
What story would you share to inspire others to become a volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
My first wish reveal really showed me the power behind Make-A-Wish and how much it impacts the child and the family. The whole community came together to grant our wish kid’s wish of having an ice fishing house. The wish was sponsored and supported by many local organizations who all showed up on the day of the wish to surprise the wish kid. He was over the moon when he arrived and saw all the people and presents. Seeing the happiness on his face and the gratitude from his parents was so incredible and so rewarding. It is so special to be a part of a happy moment in a child’s life as they are dealing with so many hardships. Our actions and efforts can make all the difference for a family.