Volunteer Spotlight: Garey & Sherry K.

How did you two meet?
We were high school sweethearts.
What made you decide to volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
We had a grandson who was a Make-A-Wish recipient. We were very impressed with the organization and the mission of working with kids and families who were going through trying times.
What roles do you two volunteer in? Are there any you always volunteer together in, or some you do separately?
We are wish granters. We always work together.
How do your different strengths complement each other in your volunteer roles?
Our strengths are very similar. We are empathetic and caring. We have been married for 55 years so we have complemented each other in our ability to work with people. I was an educator and my wife was a day care provider so we have been engaged with young folks our whole life. We also have 6 grandkids and 3 kids who have also taught us a thing or two as we have journeyed through life.
What is your favorite thing about volunteering together?
We find it so easy because we can communicate freely and decide a plan of action that is best for the Make-A-Wish child and family. I would say it is a very efficient relationship. We can also brainstorm wish boost ideas (small surprises sent to the wish child while waiting for the wish) that will work best for the child.
What has been the most rewarding experience of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
The ability to see a wish fulfilled. The delivery of wish boosts is also a fun time.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about volunteering with their partner?
We say, “Go for it!” It is a fun and very efficient way to serve Make-A-Wish kids and families. It is also important to divide up the responsibilities of being a wish granter, ie. paperwork, meeting families, phone calls to families etc.