Volunteer Spotlight: Courtney A.

What ways are you involved as a volunteer?
I am a wish granter and I try to volunteer in as many other ways as possible!
How did you first find Make-A-Wish?
I was very curious about the organization and felt a draw to its mission. One day volunteers came to speak at a Lifetime Fitness event and it completely drew me in. I signed up to be a wish granter the next day!
How long have you been volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
Three years.
What has been the most rewarding aspect of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
Meeting all the kids and their families throughout the last few years, watching the process take hold and hope begin to build. Make-A-Wish is true magic, it’s a way for families who need it most to center their focus around something positive and happy…every child deserves that!
What advice would you give to new volunteers?
It’s ok to hit the pause button sometimes, life happens and we are working with kids who can be very sick. We want to give our best to them, they deserve our best- so if needed, hit the pause button and pick back up when you are at your fullest!
What story would you share to inspire others to become a volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
One of my first wish kids went off to college and a year or so after her wish was granted I ran into her and her parents at a restaurant. She came running up to me and hugged me, she couldn’t wait to tell me all that the year had brought her. She was healthy, happy and thriving. It reminded me we are such a special part of these kids journey’s… in a world where there can be concern we get to be a reminder of hope.