Volunteer Spotlight: Corey S.

What ways are you involved as a volunteer?
I am a new Make-A-Wish volunteer, and I am still in progress on my first two wishes. Due to the pandemic, wishes have been delayed so I have been focusing on the monthly wish boosts. I enjoy the collaboration with my wish partners on boosts and coming up with creative and cost-effective ideas. I look forward to the time when we can be with the families in person.
How did you first find Make-A-Wish?
I have been a Make-A-Wish donor for many years, not having the time to volunteer in person because of career and travel obligations. I recently have had the time to do hands on volunteering and it has been a joy. I am a big fan of the breadth of wishes granted and how the organization uses volunteers and multiple funding sources to help kids. Make-A-Wish is a very well-run nonprofit, utilizing their budget efficiently to really focus all the resources possible to create incredible wishes. I always feel good about my return on investment in financial gifts and volunteer hours because of the wonderful impact on wish families' lives and the money is used so well.
How long have you been volunteering with Make-A-Wish Minnesota?
I have been a volunteer since August, 2021
What has been the most rewarding experience of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
The most rewarding part for me is the interaction with the wish kids and their families. It is wonderful to see the excitement in the children, and the smiles that puts on the parents faces. I really enjoy interacting with the kids and families to bring some joy into a tough time in their lives.
What advice would you give to new volunteers?
Be open and always stay positive, it is your job to the wish kid's day better. Listen twice as hard as you talk, the kids want to tell their story too. Be patient, the wish process takes time and sometimes that can be frustrating. Use your own creativity, sometimes the best boosts cost nothing if you make them yourselves. The boosts don’t have to be material goods, the kid's smiles are just as big for a fun video link or a handmade note.
What story would you share to inspire others to become a volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
I waited a long time to start volunteering because I thought it would be too tiring and consume too much of my limited free time, but I was wrong. Being a volunteer is addicting, it feels incredible to see someone else smile from your effort. I find myself energized after every Make-A-Wish activity, it super charges your heart. It is not a burden to give your time when you get so much back.