Volunteer Spotlight: Betty V.

What ways are you involved as a volunteer?
I have been involved with Make-A-Wish since early 2020. Since then I’ve been able to do online volunteer work for Make-A-Wish Minnesota and also grant some wishes!
How did you first find Make-A-Wish?
Make-A-Wish came into my life when I watched “WISH” on Netflix. I was very inspired by the story and wanted to become part of the legacy and goodness of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
What has been the most rewarding experience of volunteering with Make-A-Wish?
The families are always the most rewarding experience, especially the wish kids. Knowing you can help ease their burden in some small way has been the most rewarding. I love what Make-A-Wish does and all the people involved. It is such a great journey of giving back and I appreciate the entire team so much. Thank you all for allowing me to help you give back.
What advice would you give to new volunteers?
The best advice to new volunteers would be don't fear the unknown, jump right in and get into wish granting. You will learn from people who have done this for years. Everyone is very helpful so don’t be fearful just be compassionate and passionate and it will all come together!
What story would you share to inspire others to become a volunteer with Make-A-Wish?
The most inspiring wish that I was involved in was the RV camping trip where I was not actually the wish granter volunteer but the RV volunteer. I had an RV I was renting and the family wanted a trip to Yellowstone in August of 2021. We rallied the troops in the neighborhood with lots of kids and created signs, gift baskets, and lots of celebration and joy when they picked-up the RV. The kids in the neighborhood were able to learn about Make-A-Wish and also realize some kids have illnesses and these wishes mean so much to those families.