I wish to meet the Minnesota Vikings
kidney transplant

Sylvia's Vikings sized wish
Like most teenagers, Sylvia enjoys hanging out with friends and going for coffee. She also has a passion for volleyball and watching Minnesota Vikings games. “Before January 2022, our lives were normal,” said Sylvia’s mom, Jackie.
“But when Sylvia fainted, we ended up in the emergency room and learned she was born with only one kidney which never fully formed.” Sylvia was subsequently seen at Mayo Clinic and after many appointments, procedures and tests, was placed on the transplant list. She received a kidney transplant a few months later, which meant another long hospitalization. But she grew stronger and eventually returned home, and in the fall, Sylvia was well enough to go back to school and even play volleyball. Things seemed like they were returning to normal when a routine test showed she was rejecting her new kidney.
For many wish kids, the journey of living with a critical illness can be long and full of unexpected twists and turns. For Sylvia and her family, this sudden turn of events led to a difficult road filled with more tests, new findings and even more medications. But the experience of looking beyond treatment and thinking about a wish and joyful things to do together gave Sylvia and her family something positive to rally around. “Learning her wish was granted to meet the Minnesota Vikings was a game-changer and gave her something to look forward to,” Jackie shared.
Like many kids fighting a critical illness, Sylvia was experiencing a lot of anger from the blows of disappointment that came with each new diagnosis and her smiles were becoming less frequent. “From our first meeting [with Make-A-Wish Minnesota] when Sylvia began to dream of what her wish would be, I saw a twinkle in her eyes I hadn’t seen since her initial hospitalization,” shared Jackie. “As we talked through what she might wish for, the smile she had made my heart happy. Then, seeing the smile she had the entire time she was with the Vikings organization was incredible! I hadn’t seen her that happy or smile like that since before her diagnosis.”

“It was like something changed in Sylvia after her wish was granted. She has been happier overall. It is like she has hope again.”
Sylvia’s mom

Coach O'Connell gives Sylvia a high five!

Sylvia snaps a selfie with the Minnesota Vikings and Coach O'Connell!

Sylvia joins in the Minnesota Viking's huddle.

Sylvia and Kirk Cousins take a selfie!
Sylvia and family pose with Kirk Cousins.

Sylvia sporting a pair of warm up sunglasses like Justin Jefferson.

Sylvia and her sisters touring the Minnesota Viking's facility.

Getting a workout in before game day!
Sylvia, along with her parents and siblings, had all been through so much during her treatment journey. Having her wish granted provided much needed joy and healing for the whole family. “The entire experience was wonderful,” said Jackie. “As we watched Sylvia getting her makeup done with the cheerleaders, my youngest daughter looked up at me with tears in her eyes. We had so many emotions through the experience - excitement, joy, disbelief and happy tears.”
Jackie added with much emotion, “Something changed in Sylvia after her wish was granted. She finally had a surprise that was good following a year and a half of bad ones. We are so, so grateful to Make-A-Wish Minnesota.”
Sylvia is one of nearly 250 Minnesota kids who will receive a life-changing wish this year. But there are an additional 300+ kids living with a critical illness who are still waiting for their wish. Wishes can’t wait. Join Make-A-Wish Minnesota in granting even more wishes this year, because the power of a wish can bring hope and transformation during the most challenging times. Just ask Sylvia.
Thank you to the Minnesota Vikings for making Sylvia's wish possible and capturing amazing photos from her wish experience! Videography courtesy of Cobey Rouse.