Sponsor Spotlight: Bristol Myers Squibb

Over the last four years, Bristol Myers Squibb has supported more than 250 wishes throughout the country. Research shows that kids who have a wish granted can replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Thanks to partners like Bristol Myers Squibb, we can continue to bring that hope to our wish families and communities each year.
“At Bristol Myers Squibb, we know the impact a cancer diagnosis can have on a patient and the family, especially when the patient is a child,” said Brent Pfeiffenberger, Senior Vice President, Head of US Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb. “We also know the role hope can play in the treatment of children affected by critical illness and continue to be inspired by Make-A-Wish and their mission of granting life-changing wishes that bring a renewed sense of energy and fight to pediatric patients and their families.”
As concerns surrounding COVID-19 have led to the postponement of more than 5,000 wishes nationwide, the impact of the contribution from Bristol Myers Squibb will be especially powerful for Make-A-Wish chapters throughout the country who continue to grant wishes every day during the pandemic.
This is the fourth consecutive year that Bristol Myers Squibb has helped Make-A-Wish grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, totaling more than $3.5 million in support. Thank you, Bristol Myers Squibb for helping make wishes come true!