I wish to be a Twins player for a day
congenital heart disease
Max's wish brought him hope
The ultrasound indicated their child would probably have a hole in his heart but further testing revealed it wasn’t just a simple hole. Instead, their baby was missing the whole left side of his heart. Lori and Tim were devastated.
“We weren’t sure what would happen,” Lori said. “We didn’t know if he’d be okay because we knew absolutely nothing about his condition.”
Now five years old, Max has endured four open-heart surgeries and countless months of hospital stays. He is currently in heart failure and needs a new heart to survive, but that doesn’t stop Max from doing what he loves – playing and watching baseball, inspiring his wish to be a Twins player for a day.

Last month, with a little help from his favorite player, Minnesota Twins second-baseman Brian Dozier, Max was surprised at the Wish Ball that his wish was coming true. Max excitedly exclaimed with tears of joy that “it was great” he would be a Minnesota Twin.
Two days later, Max arrived at Target Field for a day filled with baseball fun. When he headed to the locker room, he was thrilled to find his new locker was next to his baseball idol’s locker! Max joined the team for warm-ups and batting practice, threw out the first pitch and cheered on his new teammates from the stands.
Max’s wish meant everything to him and his family. “Max’s wish gave him hope. It lets him know that there are good things that can happen in the world, that not everything is horrible,” said Max’s dad, Tim.
Wishes are only possible thanks to the support and generosity of individuals like you. Watch Max’s story, and discover all the ways you can help wishes come true for Minnesota kids with critical illnesses.
A special thank you to Brian Dozier and the entire Minnesota Twins organization for helping grant Max’s wish.
UPDATE: After receiving a new heart in June 2018, Max passed away on Wednesday, July 18th. We send all our love to his family, and will always remember the spunk and passion of this baseball fan.