I wish to see a forensics lab
heart condition

I wish to see a forensics lab
heart condition
18-year-old Margaret has always had a passion for science, and developed a specific interest in forensics at the age of 15.
She wished to visit a forensics crime lab, and last month her wish was granted! She spent one day at the Minnesota BCA and another at the FBI office. Margaret had two very full days learning about the agencies and positions held there, along with solving a fake murder, analyzing blood samples and holding her own press conference! Having this hands-on experience was very special to Margaret and her family and gave them something to celebrate after experiencing tough medical situations due to Margaret's heart condition. Someday she hopes to have a career in forensic science and her wish gave her more inspiration and connections to someday make that dream a possibility!
Margaret described her wish experience saying,
"The FBI and BCA made sure everything I had ever dreamed of seemed real and possible. The wish brought me closer to my family and I couldn’t have hoped for a better experience. Everyone at Make-A-wish made sure I was treated with respect and made me feel comfortable, special, and most importantly normal. There is so much that Make-A-Wish does for kids, and I was lucky enough to experience it. I don’t fit the traditional idea of what a Make-A-Wish kid should look like, but my wish granters never made me feel that way, and even though I’m older, the magic was still there at my wish.”