What is your hometown?
Burnsville Minnesota.
Where are you attending college and what is your major?
I am attending the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University. My major is Communications and my minor is Global Business Leadership.
What excites you about interning with Make-A-Wish Minnesota?
I enjoy interning at Make-A-Wish Minnesota due to the contribution I am able to make to making wishes come true for children facing critical illnesses.
If you could pick one job to do forever (and be guaranteed all the money you need), what job would it be?
I would love a job in the nonprofit or foundation world! I love advocating for and creating positive change in communities in need.
If you could be a Disney® character, who would you be and why?
I would want to be Mickey Mouse. He's known for his optimistic and cheerful personality, and I think we share that same energy!
If you were granted a wish, what would it be? -OR- What’s at the top of your bucket list?
I would love to go to the Super Bowl!
What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I love to read!