I wish to go to San Diego to see animals
heart condition

Emily's wish allowed her family to make lifelong memories
Three-year-old Emily is, “sweet, spicy and a little bossy” says mom Heather. She is full of life and loves to spend her time playing outdoors. Though you could never tell, Emily’s start to life has not been easy.
At her 5 month ultrasound, Heather was excited to learn the gender of her baby. With two girls already at home, she wondered if a boy would finally join the group. The appointment took a turn when doctors discovered baby Emily’s heart beating much faster than normal. Heather was referred to Mayo Clinic Rochester the next day, expecting to have another short appointment. To her surprise, this appointment turned into a ten-day hospital stay that involved many medications and nights spent in the ICU. Sadly, while in the hospital, Heather had to miss a pivotal moment in her oldest daughter Lauren’s life, her first day of kindergarten. This appointment had turned into something that changed their family’s lives forever.
“The next 11 weeks were filled with so many appointments, electrocardiograms, fetal echocardiograms and medication changes. It also involved continued conversations about viability and what the future may hold. After weeks of monitoring, it was determined that Emily's best chance for survival was delivery,” said Heather.
Emily was delivered early at 30 weeks, and spent the next 96 days in the neonatal intensive care unit where doctors worked to get Emily's pulmonary hypertension under control. Emily had defied the odds and was able to graduate from the NICU, ready to come home and start a normal life with her family. Little did the Walker family know that their life would be turned upside down yet again a month later when the global COVID-19 pandemic hit. Like many families with a critically ill child, the pandemic only meant further isolation practices and safety measures.
Heather recalled, “Our life as a family of five for the next two plus years involved countless appointments, hospital stays and trips to Rochester. We were often at the clinic when no one else was there like in April 2020. Emily's medical journey has meant we missed out on so much as a family of five. We haven't done anything as a family since she was born. We are a family based in traditions and so many of those have been paused due to needing to keep Emily safe. Her sisters know this and understand, but also wish Emily could experience all of the things that they love to do as a family.”

Emily's wish couldn't give us the time back when we missed out on things, but it allowed us to make once in a lifetime memories to make up for those we missed these last few years.
Emily has always loved animals and the outdoors. Her wish to go to San Diego to see animals was the perfect choice since she could learn about animals she’d only read of in books and also spend time with her family. Emily met amazing and exotic creatures from all around the world at the San Diego Zoo and Nurtured by Nature animal sanctuary. Emily is also a big fan of Duplo so she enjoyed a day at Legoland amusement park as well! She even got to see the ocean for the first time and spend time at the beach.
Emily’s wish to go to San Diego was the first time that her family has been able to take a vacation together since she was born. Heather explained, “It couldn't give us the time back when we missed out on things, but it allowed us to make once in a lifetime memories to make up for those we missed these last few years.”
Reflecting on their trip Heather shared, "We truly had the best time! Time together was the greatest gift for all of us! Emily’s eyes just lit up with every experience! Seeing her love it with her sisters was so special. I get emotional talking about how we have never had this time together! Thank you Make-A-Wish for planning this perfect trip for our family!"