I wish to be in a music video
genetic disorder
Cora’s wish is a celebration of her strength
From birth, she had trouble breathing and couldn’t eat orally. Her vision and hearing were also affected.
Cora’s diagnosis affects nearly every aspect of her life. Until recently she had a tracheotomy and needed to have an adult nearby all day and night. She worked hard to learn to walk and wasn’t able to talk until she was four. Now she is working really hard to learn to eat orally. In Cora’s young life, she has spent endless hours at doctors’ visits and more than 20 visits to the operating room.
"The news itself was very hard to take. It seemed grim as the diagnosis and prognosis seemed to be getting worse and worse. There is a good four-year period where we both were chronically sleep deprived. We hadn’t been on a couple’s date in two years, and our lives are so much busier and complicated because of Cora."

"Cora is human too; she has bad days and challenging behaviors like any child. However, when you see Cora and the joy she has despite the difficulties she faces, it is a beacon of light and hope and truly shows God’s goodness,” Cora's mom said.
Cora and her family are humbled by all the support they have received throughout her wish journey. “Cora’s wish was just an awesome showing of God’s love for us and all humanity. First, what an awesome organization Make-A-Wish is and all of their supporters. Second, it was so awesome to see the talents of so many people; a great glimpse to show that all people have value. Third, we have this tangible product [her music video] that is a beautiful reminder of Cora’s journey – as many have said, it just brings tears of joy every time we watch it,” Hollie said. “Make-A-Wish allows the child to be a child and not focus on their diagnosis. For the families, it provides joy and excitement which is much needed when so much of the diagnosis brings heartache and trials. Regardless of the day-to-day difficulties, there is still joy to be had in this life.”