Sponsor an Event 

Take advantage of a unique branding and exposure opportunity by sponsoring a Make-A-Wish® Michigan signature event. With varied timing possibilities and targeted demographics, tiered sponsorships are flexible to meet partner needs and offer comprehensive visibility, employee engagement and mission connection. 

Work with our team to find a sponsorship that fits your company's needs

group on stage holding giant check

Choose a sponsorship package to fit your company's needs and help grant wishes in Michigan. These opportunities allow for both general and tailored giving and can be activated with a single tactic or a more comprehensive, multilayered approach. 

Event Sponsorship Opportunities 

  • Walk For Wishes® - Southeast Michigan
  • Wish-A-Mile® Bicycle Tour - Statewide
  • Trailblaze Challenge - Statewide
  • Wish Ball - Detroit & Grand Rapids
  • W.I.S.H. Society - Statewide

I want to sponsor an event! 

To inquire about a sponsorship opportunity, call us at (800) 622-9474 or send us an email at wish@michigan.wish.org.