Sponsor an Event
Take advantage of a unique branding and exposure opportunity by sponsoring a Make-A-Wish® Michigan signature event. With varied timing possibilities and targeted demographics, tiered sponsorships are flexible to meet partner needs and offer comprehensive visibility, employee engagement and mission connection.

Choose a sponsorship package to fit your company's needs and help grant wishes in Michigan. These opportunities allow for both general and tailored giving and can be activated with a single tactic or a more comprehensive, multilayered approach.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
- Walk For Wishes® - Southeast Michigan
- Wish-A-Mile® Bicycle Tour - Statewide
- Trailblaze Challenge - Statewide
- Wish Ball - Detroit & Grand Rapids
- W.I.S.H. Society - Statewide
I want to sponsor an event!
To inquire about a sponsorship opportunity, call us at (800) 622-9474 or send us an email at wish@michigan.wish.org.