Meet James

I wish to go to LEGOLAND® Florida Resort
James, 8
heart transplant
James thought he was going to the hospital for a routine follow up visit. Instead, he found himself surrounded by his family, the Make-A Wish Michigan staff, and his entire medical team from Children’s Hospital of Michigan, all cheering, clapping, and waving pom poms. “James, you are leaving on your wish trip TOMORROW morning!!” is the surprise message he received.
“I feel so good!”
exclaims James
upon learning his wish is granted. James’ wish was a much needed ray of light eight years after receiving a heart transplant as an infant. But that’s only the beginning of his story. At the age of six, despite taking his anti-rejection medications and following all of the doctors’ instructions, James became very ill. He was losing weight, his belly was getting bigger, and his breathing was distressed. After several months of hospitalizations, lab tests confirmed his body was rejecting his heart. In fact, James’ type of rejection was so rare a treatment was unknown. His new heart was badly damaged and failing, and he needed surgery. His doctors assembled a team of more than 50 experts from across the country to assess all the options and the numerous risks involved, research potential treatments, determine surgical procedures, and prepare for every possible complication.
He had what I think was a 2% survival chance
said his mom, Kylie
James proved to be a fighter coming through surgery, but he needed more specialized treatment and was flown to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Finally, after 201 consecutive days in the hospital, he started to improve.
“He doesn’t understand just how strong he is and what he has’s really good seeing him feeling good and healthy and being able to enjoy being a kid,” comments his dad, James, at the wish reveal.
When young James was asked if he was surprised to have his wish come true, he started jumping, dancing, clapping and cheering, and shouted enthusiastically, “Yahoo! Now let’s get this party started!”.
The very next morning, James began his weeklong Florida adventure with an invitation to sit in the cockpit. After arriving in Orlando, he visited all of the popular attractions: he was thrilled to ride roller coasters with a Yeti, Hagrid, and Slinky Dog; and he was overjoyed to meet Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, two of his favorite Transformers. He declared, “I’m so happy!” Beaming from ear to ear when he arrived at LEGOLAND, James was in his glory surrounded by all the Lego he could wish for at the Master Builder Lego class where he surely impressed the instructors. James shopped for all his favorite Lego sets, dipped his toes in the Atlantic Ocean, and rode in a go-kart. He especially loved his time at the pool at Give Kids the World.
He and his family returned from Florida sun-drenched and exhausted but Kylie notes, “Well, it’s safe to say James had the BEST wish you could ask for. We are so blessed beyond belief to have had the opportunity for this amazing trip and journey. After some really bad scary times, this is exactly what our family needed. But it was also seeing all these families come together and living a life we all dream of, a non hospital life. It was so so so beautiful watching all the interactions and happiness. And just James being a kid and having the best time of his life. We can’t thank Make-A-Wish Michigan, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, and Give Kids the World enough for all the support and opportunities for this wish to come true.”
James’ wish to go to LEGOLAND and be a master builder is Make-A-Wish Michigan’s 12,000th wish to be granted in its forty-year history.