I wish to go to Disney World



wilms tumor

Kyla Disney World- Greater LA

Kyla's Wish to go to Disney World

A life-changing trip for Kyla

Kyla was a very vibrant 4-year-old. Over time, her parents and teachers noticed that she was not participating in school, was extremely tired, and just not herself. One day, Kyla started screaming in pain and was taken to the hospital. Kyla’s life was changed forever. The doctors discovered a wilms tumor that had ruptured. She was rushed into surgery and a treatment plan was immediately put into place.

Kyla’s road map included surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. What they thought would be a 6-month journey, became a yearlong battle with constant hospital stays. Nancy, Kyla’s Mom shared that “Having spent the 2 years inside due to COVID, then fighting cancer, any sense of child normalcy was stripped away from Kyla. Kyla missed the fun parts of being a kid like having playdates and going to birthday parties. Kyla also had to process why other kids would stare and comment on her change of appearance,” Nancy recalled.

When Kyla’s family was referred to Make-A-Wish, they looked at this opportunity as a special experience for Kyla that would highlight her worth and validate her strength and persistence. Kyla loves Disney and spending time with her sisters. Kyla and the Make-A-Wish team decided together that a trip to Disney World with her entire family would be the perfect Wish and it in fact turned out to be her dream come true.

Kyla Disney World 3- Greater LA

Kyla, her parent’s, and her two sisters packed their bags and headed to Orlando for a magical week filled with so many additional wonderful opportunities. They also got to visit Universal Studios, Epcot Center, Animal Kingdom, and SeaWorld. They had the privilege of being guests at Give Kids the World. Kyla and her sisters enjoyed endless scoops of ice cream (even for breakfast), a spa experience, a magical tea party, horseback rides, and more. The most memorable part of Give Kids the World was her Star ceremony. She got to place a special star in their gallery, where all the Wish Kids who visit have placed a star.

The trip was life-changing for Kyla and her family. After taking a back seat to Kyla, her sisters ages 6 and 8 also needed some light. This trip was the perfect remedy. They could laugh together, experience joy, and be a family again. Kyla became proud of what she accomplished.

“This Wish was such a wonderful celebration. A magnitude of happiness that allowed our entire family to become kids again. We felt a sense of joy that we had not felt in what seemed like an eternity. We felt so lucky to have the opportunity to represent such an incredible organization and we are incredibly thankful for our experience,” said Nancy.

For the first time in two years, we felt like we could breathe again. We did not have a care in the world, and everything was simply magical.

Nancy, Kyla's mom

Kyla Disney World 1- Greater LA
Kyla Disney World 2- Greater LA

I saw my little girl come back to being a happy child again. During her treatment, she was forced to grow up too quickly. This wish brought my little girl back and filled with her joy

Nancy, Kyla’s mom