I wish to have my own playhouse

Tessa's Playhouse
Tessa is a sweet five-year-old girl who lives in suburban Chicago with her parents, sister, and baby brother. Her parents describe her as “a ball of personality” who enjoys everything girly, from dance class to playing with dolls. When Tessa was three, she was diagnosed with cancer. Tessa’s mom, Brittany, said that from first glance at her daughter, “you would never know the things she’s been through, but once you’ve talked to her, you see she's very emotionally mature.”
Tessa’s medical team referred her family to Make-A-Wish Illinois shortly after her diagnosis. Because of her intensive treatment plan, Tessa's wish was delayed for a few years. During this time, dreaming about her wish gave Tessa something to look forward to and brought her a sense of hope.
Once she had successfully completed her treatment, Tessa shared her heartfelt wish: to have her own two-story playhouse. Make-A-Wish came up with a game plan and called on their community connections to bring her playhouse to life. Early in the wish process, the Illinois State University Interior Design Department classes kindly donated their expertise Tessa’s wish by creating a few different playhouse blueprints for Tessa and her family to review — an exciting process for Tessa that kept her spirits high.
Once Tessa selected her favorite blueprint, the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council generously offered their carpentry skills and manpower to bring Tessa’s dream to life. Some of the crew drove over three hours each way to Tessa’s family daily for about two weeks while the playhouse was completed.
During the build, Tessa spent her days watching the carpenters work from a recliner in her sunroom, often drawing pictures to give to them at the end of the day. She also accompanied her mom, Brittany, to the grocery store to pick out special treats to give the crew.
Finally, Tessa’s playhouse was complete and ready for the big reveal. It had all the features she was hoping to see, from a yellow tube slide to a second story balcony. Tessa’s favorite spot is a cozy nook under the stairs, where she and her sister can frequently be found playing with dolls.
“Everything to us was seamless. I'm so grateful for everyone who donated their time and for Make-A-Wish for coordinating everything” shared Brittany about Tessa’s wish experience. “They'll enjoy it [the playhouse] for decades. Tessa's brother will play in it eventually, and even when Tessa's a teenager she'll have that space.”