I wish to meet princesses




Wish child Taylor hugs a theme park character

Taylor Meets Princesses

A week full of princesses and together time restores Taylor and her family.

A lingering and persistent fever was the first clue that Taylor’s family had that something just wasn’t quite right with their usually vibrant and fun-loving daughter. Taylor, 5, from Country Club Hills, was ultimately diagnosed with leukemia.

“Right when she was diagnosed it was scary for her and our family because we didn’t know what to expect,” said Cheryl, Taylor’s mom.

Working with her medical team at Lurie, Taylor began treatment and soon the family focus was fully directed on helping Taylor get through it all. While treatment was never easy, it did get easier as the family got into a routine and knew what to expect. It was during one of her hospital visits that the family learned about Make-A-Wish.

“In that moment of diagnosis, you feel so helpless,” Cheryl said. “Learning about Make-A-Wish and knowing we could be able to help her have this, meant the world to me.”

Though Taylor can be shy when you first meet her, the volunteers helping to discover her wish worked hard to make Taylor feel comfortable. It wasn’t long until she was excitedly telling them exactly what she wanted, to visit princesses!

Taylor meets Snow White

Taylor meets Snow White.

Taylor’s parents were excited that Taylor would be able to lead them all in this fun adventure, especially since everything had been about her illness since the diagnosis. Make-A-Wish created a magical week for Taylor, sending her family to Florida to meet the princesses and explore the theme parks. Every day was a chance for Taylor to find happiness and for her family to slow down and get to know each other again.

“The wish brought us, and even our extended family, closer together,” Cheryl shared.

Now a couple of years since her diagnosis date, and a year since her wish, Taylor still talks about her wish almost every day. She loved being in Florida and meeting all of the princesses and wants to move there.

“This experience really imprinted on her.”