Other Legacy Gifts

Wish kid Jasslyn

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois Federal Tax ID: 36-3422138

A deferred gift can help you balance your financial goals and your charitable interests – all while possibly achieving significant tax benefits. A planned gift ensures your support of Make-A-Wish Illinois well into the future. You’ll do more than help grant wishes. You'll create a legacy that will impact wish kids for years to come.

Beneficiary Designation

Designate Make-A-Wish Illinois as a beneficiary of your IRAs, retirement plans, or life insurance policies.

Gifts That Pay You Income

Earn income for yourself or a beneficiary through assets gifted to Make-A-Wish Illinois (Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Remainder Trust).

Charitable Lead Trust

If you want to make an impact now at Make-A-Wish and also provide for your family later, consider setting up a charitable lead trust. You transfer cash or other assets to a trust that makes payments to Make-A-Wish for a period of time. When the term is up, the remaining trust passes to your family or other beneficiaries you select.

Gifts of Real Estate or Other Tangible Property

Please contact us to further discuss your interest in making a gift of real estate or other tangible property.

Free Resources

Have You Already Included Us In Your Will or Estate Plans? Let Us know!

If you have already created your legacy to benefit Make-A-Wish Illinois, please let us know. We would like to thank you! By letting us know, we can ensure that we fulfill your gift exactly as you intended.

Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any desire to remain anonymous.

The above information is intended to assist you in your tax, estate, and charitable planning. It is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please contact an attorney or financial advisor.

For more information, contact:

Lisa Bakker, Individual Giving Director
312.602.9464 or lbakker@illinois.wish.org