I wish to visit Hawaii
nervous system disorder

I wish to visit Hawaii
nervous system disorder
Nikita has never had a more joyful and impactful experience through this trip he received from Make-A-Wish.
Nikita's mom
From the west suburbs of Chicago, Nikita is a friendly, quiet boy who always has a song in his heart and likes to see his friends at school. Living with a life-threatening nervous system disorder, his mobility is limited, but he very much enjoys experiencing nature; just being outside seems to lift his spirits.
Seeing and interacting with animals always brings out his smile. When his medical team from Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital referred him to Make-A-Wish, he and his family shared his interests with volunteers. Soon, planning for an incredible experience in Hawaii swimming with dolphins was underway.
According to his family, Nikita had such a great time that he talked more, sang, and was even able to move himself a little more to get around.
The wish experience lives on as Nikita and his family reflect on their time together in Hawaii. With many photos of the precious time together, Nikita also laughs and talks about the beach, the birds he interacted with at Sea Life Park, and his swimming buddy, dolphin Liho, often. He has a dolphin plushy that he named Liho and he keeps it with him to remind him of his favorite memory from his wish.
"It was a great joy for us to see Nikita motivated so much that he pushed himself and did things he hasn't done in a while."
Nikita found joyful moments in interacting with all of the animals in Hawaii.
Swimming with dolphin Liho was Nikita's favorite part of the wish.
Being in the beautiful surroundings with exciting new animals to discover was exactly the wish Nikita and his family were envisioning.