I wish to visit Hawaii




Luna in Hawaii

Luna Seeks Ocean Serenity

What is the best way to celebrate being in remission? For Luna, it was fun in the sun! Luna’s wish to visit Hawaii was filled with joy, fun and smiles from the whole family.

Being diagnosed with cancer was a shock to Luna and her family. Discovering a tumor and then experiencing the treatments and uncertainty of it all were difficult for this normally cheerful and outgoing girl.

Luna's family in Hawaii

Learning about Make-A-Wish was just the spark Luna needed.

She enjoyed thinking about her wish and even put together a book of drawings she called “Mi Camino de Deseo” about what she’d like to do; be near water and interact with sea creatures. 

Make-A-Wish was happy to accommodate and arranged for Luna and her family to visit Hawaii where she enjoyed swimming in the ocean, a turtle tour and whale watching. 

"Our days in Hawaii have been pure joy, just to see her live again," her parents shared during the wish. "THANK YOU!"

According to her family, the wish was an important turning point in her medical journey. After her wish, as her recovery continued, she felt strong and confident enough to sing in front of a room of hundreds at a Make-A-Wish fundraiser, expressing how powerful and emotional her journey has been.


Hear from Luna and her father Victor about the power of wishes.