Bobby Taylor, Peoria

Bobby Taylor, Peoria

Make-A-Wish Illinois announces Bobby Taylor of Peoria as the recipient of the 2022 Local Partnership Award for a volunteer that has secured exceptional in-kind support or assistance to enhance a wish child’s journey.

Bobby got involved with Make-A-Wish as a contractor when he was asked to help oversee some construction needed for a wish. He soon found he really enjoyed helping the families and connecting with other tradespeople to bring wishes to life.

“We all want to do something that makes a difference and with Make-A-Wish I feel I am able to make a difference,” Taylor said.

He’s been pleasantly surprised by the of willingness of community members and businesses who will help support a wish. According to Taylor, “Everybody wants to help if you just ask them, and we’re able to make that happen.”

“Bobby really understands our mission and helps us create the vision of our organization by executing projects with the outmost detail and care,” shared Daniela Penaloza, bilingual wish specialist with Make-A-Wish Illinois.

In looking to volunteer he was seeking something that was bigger than himself. It seems he’s found it with Make-A-Wish.

“It is so rewarding to sit down with the wish family and create the things that are in in their imagination,” Taylor said. “Seeing the faces of the smiles and excitement as we put together the wish – the excitement is contagious.” 

“We all have talents we can share.”