The Gebert-Arbaugh Polar Bear Challenge 2024

Make-A-Wish® Idaho announces a new date of January 6 for the 21st annual Gebert-Arbaugh Polar Bear Challenge. The event, as always, will be held at Lucky Peak Reservoir at 11 a.m. with registration beginning at 10 a.m. Make-A-Wish Idaho understands that getting out of bed on January 1 can be a challenge in itself; therefore, the date has been changed to January 6 to promote greater participation and be gentler to participants.  Â
All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to grant wishes to Idaho children with critical illnesses. Last year, Make-A-Wish Idaho granted 127 life-affirming wishes, a new record for the chapter, and this year, the organization has designs to grant even more.Â