I wish to go to Hawaii

I wish to go to Hawaii
Harper is the type of person who lives life to the fullest.
She likes music, animals, traveling, swimming, playing sports, and hanging out with her friends. Harper loved volleyball and is a great athlete, so when Harper found out she had cancer and would be unable to continue playing, she took it hard.
However, all throughout her medical journey, Harper believed that she was getting better. She stayed strong and continuously moved forward. “She is way tougher and more stubborn than I ever imagined,” said her mom.
When Harper found out that she had the opportunity to “Make-A-Wish” she was very excited and glad she could share it with her family. The wish was something for her to look forward to and gave her the spark that she needed mentally.
Harper loves to vacation on the beach with the sun shining and the sparkling ocean close by. Harper had been to Kauai before, and she fell in love with it, so she knew she would love to visit Hawaii again. She chose the island of Awahua this time.
While in Awahua, Harper went snorkeling, parasailing, swimming with sharks, to a luau, and watched the sunset each night that she was there. Harper loved to be in the water, and especially snorkeling. While snorkeling, she was able to free dive 30-40 feet down. The instructors were very impressed by how good she was, especially coming from a state like Idaho. This gave her confidence, helping her realize that she is still good at things and can do more than just sports.
On top of everything else, Harper’s leg did not hurt while she was in the water, making her enjoy it that much more. Harper spent tons of time in the water diving to the bottom, finding shells to bring back up, swimming with turtles, and was even brave enough to go swimming with sharks.
“This trip came at a great time. It gave her something to look forward to. It was something she really needed mentally and physically. It gave her a boost of confidence and was able to rejuvenate her. The sun always helps put a smile on her face,” said wish mom Niki.