I wish to have a shopping spree
kidney transplant

I wish to have a shopping spree
kidney transplant
By Bike, By Segway, and By HoverboardĀ
Christian is a shy kid who isn't quick to chat and must be coaxed out of his shell. If you do get him talking though, you'll quickly learn that he's sweet, resilient, and capable of overcoming anything.Ā
His kidneys have been ailing for years. Dealing with the illness was hard for Christian at first, but he mustered up his strength and showed everyone how brave and strong he is. A little over a year ago, Christian received a kidney transplant which has improved his overall health.Ā
He also adores animals. He used to own ducks and currently has a Bernese mountain dog as a fluffy, four-legged friend. Ā Christian fishes and likes to build things with his hands.
Although he didn't pick a travel wish, he certainly loves going places! On the day of his wish, he traveled around Boise in a limousine. The limo dropped him off at the Make-A-WishĀ®Ā Idaho office before going to their final destination of the day, George's Cycles, just two blocks away.Ā
For fun, Christian enjoys video games like Call of Duty and Minecraft. During his shopping spree he picked out several new video games for the Xbox as well as an Oculus VR headset. He told Make-A-Wish Idaho staff that after a long day of shopping he was very excited to go home to play his games.Ā
Wish mom Whitney said that Christian also loved picking out gifts for his siblings and parents. He gifted almost everyone shoes at the Vans store. All his siblings were showing off their brother's generosity in the form of gifts he gave them: a rubik's cube, clothes with cartoon characters, video games and more. Of course, Whitney made sure that Christian bought enough for himself. "This wish is for you," she told him.Ā
Before his in-person shopping spree, Christian selected a veritable fleet of vehicles online. First, he chose a Jetson Spin Hoverboard for whizzing along Ā just inches above terra firma. Then there's the Segway, the perfect scooting machine for quick jaunts or long treks on the sidewalk.Ā
At the final stop of his trip, Christian picked up his custom bike, aĀ Rockhopper Sport 29 bicycle from George's Cycles. This bike is a reliable off-roading machine that can climb hills, handle bumps, and make pinpoint turns. The folks at George's Cycle helped him pick out an appropriate helmet and presented him with his custom bike.Ā