
Join our volunteer wish ‘ohana and transform lives. Together, we can make wishes come true.

Your time and unique talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish keiki when they need it the most. In fact, our volunteers are at the heart of every wish experience. 

Make-A-Wish Hawaii volunteers consider their work impactful and meaningful. And, their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to help transform lives in our community. Whether you are a Wish Granter, a Wish Ambassador, an Office Angel or an Events Volunteer, we ask that you join us in our pursuit of excellence and give your very best in your volunteer role. We hope you will share our local values: 

‘Ike Pono: Respect our wish families, fellow volunteers, donors and staff. 

Kuleana: Follow through with volunteer assignments and commitments made to a wish ‘ohana and the foundation. 

Mālama: As a volunteer, you represent Make-A-Wish in our island community! Please take care and protect our mission so that we may bring hope, strength and joy to our local keiki for years to come. 

Laulima: In this mission, many hands work together to transform the lives of our inspiring keiki. Make-A-Wish Hawaii staff and volunteers share a sacred goal of encouraging and impacting the lives of local children battling critical illnesses. 

Ho‘omau: Persevere and Persist! Continue to provide a spark of hope regardless of circumstances. We are called to uplift and encourage the wish kids we serve. 

Volunteer Types

Wish Granter

Work with a partner to meet with wish kids and their families to help determine their heartfelt wishes, and then work with our staff to make those wishes a reality. 


Help facilitate wish experiences for non-English-speaking families. Translators attend wish visit and phone calls, but they are not directly involved in planning wishes. 

Office Angel/Skill-Based Volunteer

Assist with various projects at our chapter office, including phone calls, mailings and research, or use your professional skills and knowledge on an as-needed basis to provide much-needed skills such as reading and writing in multiple languages, graphic design, photography, landscaping and more. 

Events Volunteer

Plan, organize and implement successful fundraising events by working on committees, helping on event day and/or participating in the event. 

Speaker's Bureau 

Wish families or seasoned wish granters present key information and share stories about Make-A-Wish Hawaii to increase support and educate audiences on our mission. 

Outreach Volunteer

Interact with interested parties at volunteer recruitment and medical outreach events with the intent of recruiting more volunteers. 

Wish Ambassador

Share aloha and serve as the on-island point of contact for a visiting wish family. 


Looking to pair your education with real-world experience? Consider interning with us! We welcome interns behind all areas of our mission. Click here to learn more.

Your Make-A-Wish Journey Starts Today 

At every level of the organization, volunteers are critical to the mission. Get started today and soon you can bring hope and joy to local children with critical illnesses as a Make-A-Wish Hawaii volunteer. 

Fill out an application: Complete and submit your volunteer application to outreach@hawaii.wish.org. This is used as a preliminary screening tool, and incomplete applications will not be considered.  

Volunteer Application

Chat with our volunteer services team: After we receive your completed application, you will speak with a current volunteer department staff member to get your questions answered and allow time to learn more about you and your interests. 

Submit your paperwork: After your conversation, you will be asked to complete a criminal background check and submit final paperwork. 

Training:  All Make-A-Wish Hawaii volunteers attend a volunteer orientation. Further training may be necessary based on volunteer role. 

Welcome! You are officially now a volunteer for Make-A-Wish Hawaii! You will be an integral part of delivering our mission forward. 

To learn more, please contact outreach@hawaii.wish.org. Mahalo!