Krayson’s Wish to have a Therapy Clubhouse

Krayson’s Wish to have a Therapy Clubhouse

Krayson was a typical, healthy toddler until he reached 18 months, when the course of his life took a new direction. That’s when his parents noticed developmental delays, and he began experiencing seizures. This was frightening for his parents, Kim and Gary, who were deeply concerned for the health and safety of their firstborn child. They always held his hand, whether in the house or outside, to ensure he wouldn’t fall and hurt himself during a seizure. By the time he was a toddler, Krayson was having up to 300 seizures a day.  

“It’s heartbreaking,” says Gary. He and Kim brought Krayson to see specialists in Chicago and Seattle, and although medication has reduced the frequency of his seizures, they continue working with his local physician to find the best management strategies.  

Despite his health challenges, Krayson is a joyful, energetic 14-year-old boy who loves his family deeply. He runs around the house with his parents always by his side, ensuring he doesn’t accidentally grab something dangerous. Therapists visit daily to help with his development and communication, though sessions at home often get disrupted by his tendency to be distracted by toys or the couch. 

The family wished for a therapy clubhouse—a wish that has the power to change Krayson’s life. “We knew we needed someplace dedicated for him and his therapists where there are no distractions,” Gary explains. A therapy clubhouse offers a safe, focused environment for learning and growth. Before it could be built, the right partners in place.  

Make-A-Wish Hawaii teamed up with Swinerton on the design, permitting, planning and construction of Krayson’s clubhouse. “This is just what we do on a day-to-day basis,” says Aaron Yamasaki of Swinerton, who also serves on the organization’s board of directors. Swinerton assembled a team of professionals, all of whom donated or discounted their labor and materials. 

Krayson with Dad

Careful consideration went into every detail of the clubhouse to ensure it would be safe and suitable for Krayson’s needs. California Closets provided a desk and cabinetry with push-to-open magnetic doors, a thoughtful design since traditional handles would distract Krayson and tempt him to open them. 

The built-in desk is the perfect place for Krayson to work with his therapists on communication skills, including spelling. “We’re using letterboards and eventually going on an iPad to communicate spelling out what he wants, and what he needs us to do for him,” explains Krayson’s mother, Kim. 

The clubhouse is also equipped with sensory elements, including a swing that hangs from the ceiling. It comforts Krayson like a hug. “It takes a short bit to calm him to sit in it but once we start swaying him, he actually zones out and gets calm. He’ll let us know when he’s done then he plops on the cushions. It’s awesome,” Gary says.  

Krayson’s heartfelt wish to have a therapy clubhouse has provided him with a dedicated space to learn and grow in an environment tailored to his needs. This custom clubhouse brought immediate comfort to Krayson. Daily use will bring him peace and confidence as he continues to hone his developmental skills.

“It really warmed my heart to see Krayson see his clubhouse for the first time,” says Aaron Yamasaki of Swinerton. “It’s really great to know that this is something we could do for Krayson that won’t just make an impact on his life today, but for years to come.”

Mahalo to these partners for making Krayson's wish come true!

California Closets
CHB Architects
Island Flooring
J&B Materials
Pacific Building Materials
WE Painting, INC.

Krayson's WIsh Video