Wishmakers at Work

Wishmakers at Work is a Make-A-Wish® workplace giving program that enables employees to plan and coordinate fundraising programs to help grant wishes.

Benefits to Your Company

By introducing a Wishmakers at Work program at your company to benefit Make-A-Wish, you would be doing more than just a nice thing–you would be making work more purposeful and helping change the lives of everyone involved in wish experiences, forever.

Supporting Make-A-Wish Enhances Employee Engagement

Social responsibility plays an increasingly important role in advancing companies’ strategic business objectives and building goodwill among employees. Employees want to know that their employer cares about the communities in which it operates, and that it is committed to making a measurable difference for those who live and work in those areas.

Make-A-Wish conducted a survey with The Harris Poll to understand the impact that corporate support for our organization will have on brand equity and employee engagement for a corporate partner. The Harris Poll surveyed 1,006 adults ages 18 and older.

Increasing Employee Loyalty

We learned 83% of those surveyed would feel like they were doing something positive for their community by working for a company that supports Make-A-Wish. Similarly, 92% of Americans who are employed full/part time said they would be more committed to their employer if it supported Make-A-Wish.

By partnering with Make-A-Wish, 79% said that would feel more engaged with their company and 75% stated they would be more likely to recommend their employer to potential employees.

Our team creates unique and custom workplace giving programs to meet each partner’s needs which could include one location or multiple offices across the county.

Brand Recognition

Make-A-Wish is the world's largest wish-granting organization and stands as one of the most recognized, loved, and most trusted charities in America. Our reputation is the result of a 40-year commitment to granting amazing and unique wishes that change lives for wish kids, their families, and everyone else involved in the experience–more than 500,000 wishes since 1980 and around 15,800 last year alone. That's a wish granted, on average, every 34 minutes. And every wish impacts dozens, sometimes hundreds of people, forever. 

Benefits to Make-A-Wish

Wishmakers At Work campaigns help generate resources and support that are essential for wish granting in local communities throughout the United States.

Critical Wish-Granting Funds

Your support helps us move ever closer to achieving our ultimate vision of granting the wish of every eligible child. By raising funds through a Wishmakers At Work campaign, you can help change lives, forever.

Volunteer Support

Wishes are only made possible through the time and talent of more than 40,000 Make-A-Wish volunteers who support our local chapters across the country. Whether you volunteer in a wish-granting, event coordination, outreach, or administrative capacity, you help us direct as much of our resources to reaching more kids with critical illnesses and granting their one heartfelt wish.

Interested in setting up a Wishmakers at Work campaign in your workplace? Contact Kathleen Backus, Chief Development Officer, at [email protected].