Volunteer Spotlight - Scott & Lucia Gilbertson

Volunteer Spotlight - Lucia & Scott Gilbertson

Finding purpose in supporting wishes

Lucia and Scott Gilbertson are some of the most enthusiastic wish supporters you’ll ever meet. Since 2013, they’ve been dedicated champions of our chapter, serving every year as key members of the host committee of our annual Evening of Wishes gala.

Lucia and Scott first learned about Make-A-Wish through a personal connection—a close friend’s son had his wish to be a pilot granted following a battle with cancer.

With Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, they quickly found a welcoming home for their philanthropic spirit. “It’s certainly very rewarding,” says Scott. “We’ve met the kindest, gentlest people.”

Finding that connection to Make-A-Wish gave their family a purpose, says Lucia. “You feel like you are doing something to help people,” she explains. “We don’t have any grandchildren, but we have a lot of wish kids.”

When you give to a child who is not as fortunate,
you are filling a spot in your own heart.
Lucia Gilbertson

On the wall of their guest bedroom, Lucia and Scott proudly display a “wish wall,” which features 19 plaques, each one showcasing a child’s wish that they have generously adopted through our Adopt-A-Wish program.

The Adopt-A-Wish program offers individuals and groups the opportunity to make an immediate, direct, and substantial impact on the life of a child by underwriting the average cost of a wish.

For the Gilbertsons, it’s incredibly powerful to know that they’ve helped to grant 19 wishes—and counting. “When you give to a child who is not as fortunate, you are filling a spot in your own heart,” says Lucia.

Over the years, Scott and Lucia have seen the power of a wish first-hand. They know that wishes help families by giving them something to look forward to. “Some of these kids undergo rigorous treatment—chemicals, radiation, doctor appointments—and their families are all drawn into this cyclone,” explains Lucia. “When they can talk about their upcoming vacation, or the new backyard, or the shopping spree, or the new computer, it gives them something else to think about. It gives a lot of hope.”

When asked what they would say to others who are interested in supporting Make-A-Wish, the Gilbertson’s have a simple answer: “Just do it!” says Lucia.

“You’ll never regret it,” adds Scott. “You get involved and it becomes a very special family.”

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