Stories from our 40 years of wish granting

 40th Birthday photo collage

Embark on the journey through our four decades of wish granting as we celebrate our 40th birthday!

At the heart of our mission, discover the transformative power of wishes—woven into the stories of our visionary founders, dedicated staff, compassionate volunteers, and the courageous wish kids themselves. Join us in paying tribute to the incredible individuals who have fueled our journey, shaped our legacy, and led us to this remarkable milestone. Here's to bringing hope and strength to children facing critical illnesses for more 40 more years and beyond, one wish at a time!

40th Birthday Wish Stories

Our Milestone Wishes

Read more milestone wish stories.

To celebrate our 40th Birthday, we invited our wish families to share updates with our community. 

Wish Alumni Stories

Community Spotlights

Learn more about our 40th birthday parties, our legacy, and our plans for the next 40 years!